Identity Theft


It might be fishing season, but hackers are interested in another type of “phishing” with the intention of stealing your information.  “Phishing” is a type of fraud where an email asks you, often with a sense of urgency, to click a link to update or confirm your sensitive personal information, such as your account numbers, card numbers, social security/tax identification numbers, passwords or PINS.  The link goes to a fake or “spoof” website designed to look like a legitimate company. 

For your protection, we have removed all links to login to State Bank Online Banking.  To protect yourself from going to a spoofed website type, into your browser when you login to Online Banking or access Online Banking through our website,  If you ever receive a suspicious email supposedly from State Bank, DO NOT open the email and contact your local branch as soon as possible. 

Spencer:  712-262-6580

Everly:  712-834-2221

Peterson:  712-295-6611

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